Social Media Marketing

Some of my Projects

KMS has teamed with Aaron Petrosky at TECH Incorporated to provide cutting edge services to our clients in the social media world. We connect your website and you to Face book, twitter, word press blogs, LinkedIn, YouTube, and lots more. Social media is about creating a conversation with your customers. It's about knowing what to say and where to say it.

By having an active social media presence, you can ensure that your messages are being read by your target audience. In addition to being a place to connect with friends, social networks are becoming the places where people go for reviews, recommendations and opinions for making upcoming decisions and purchases. 

The difference between social media messages and those placed using traditional media, is that they are able to be linked directly to your website. In addition, this information can be easily transmitted to the viewer's own social network, creating a far greater reach all at the click of a button. We are also shooting affordable web video to provide you with even greater exposure to the web world we live in.

Voice Over

Kathy has worked on a variety of voice over projects across the country!



Kathy is a big believer in self promotion. Find out why in her exclusive interview!


Television program host

Currently the host of Cornerstone Television Network syndicated series “Sister 2 Sister"


Motivational speaker

As a professional speaker Kathy Svilar has touched the lives of thousands of people.


On Camera

As an on camera talent, Kathy sold 19,000 rosaries in 5 minutes on QVC for John Connelly on National TV.



When selling, make sure you remember it isn't about you - it's about the customer!



Svilar is a decidedly rare breed of product spokesperson, for whom the words friendly and exuberant might have been invented.
—  Barbara van Cheri, Pittsburgh Post Gazzette

What I am here to tell you is that Kathy is not as nice as she appears on TV...she is nicer.
—  Leslie Rubinkowski, Pittsburgh Press

It’s not so much about what Kathy does, but the way people respond to what she does.
—  Joanne Giovannini, St. Catherine of Sweden Church

Though she is the proud owner of adorable brown eyes and a bright disarming smile, she’ll never be mistaken for a Hollywood movie starlet..yet she is regularly besieged by adoring fans whenever she sets foot outside her Monroeville home.
— Gary Rhoades, Pittsburgh Business Times
It was such. Your performance this year was astonishing! When I got home last night, I kicked off my shoes, sat down in my big chair, flicked on the TV and there you were!
—  Donna K. Gibson, Fashion in Bloom